Agriculture & Environmental
go green with mobotix without compromise
Clearly InSight has provided Farm security vision systems for numerous dairy/hog/chicken operations with not only surveillance capabilities and agriculture monitoring but with process observation and control including environmental security. Whether you need to observe wildlife in their natural environment, want to keep track of what is happening to your livestock, or just desire to watch natural phenomena Mobotix has the answer.
A single Mobotix camera uses 4 Watts of power making it ideal for renewable energy or to reduce power consumption off the grid. Just as a comparison most LED light bulbs use 6 to 8 Watts.
Originally proposed system, each camera was going to consume 55 watts – that’s more than ten times the amount of power. Even when there is a power failure, the MOBOTIX cameras continue to be supplied from a UPS, ensuring the security feed is never interrupted. A single 360-degree camera provides a fixed view of the entire outside area of the elephant compound, offering a panorama over 5,500 square meters. This main view is supplemented by further 90-degree cameras for a separate lower section. This way, the keepers can always see where each animal is currently located. As well as for safety and security, Opel Zoo also uses its cameras to research animal behavior.

Princess Elisabeth Antarctic Base, Antarctica
MOBOTIX Camera Helps Researchers On Antarctica.
At this station a MOBOTIX Allround M24 camera helps researchers of the HYDRANT project to monitor the instruments they work with to get comprehensive measurements of the hydrological cycle of Antarctica. The project focuses on studying the atmospheric processes: it looks at the transport of the water vapour, formation of clouds and precipitation, snow accumulation, and meteorological conditions behind. The goal of the HYDRANT project is to have continuous observations of both meteorology and cloud properties, which then will be used to validate regional climate models. Thus cloud instruments were installed for the long-term operation which monitors the cloud and snow fall properties and meteorology all at the same time. “The final goal of the project is to contribute to understanding the current and future evolution of the Antarctic ice sheet and its contribution to sea-level changes,” says project scientist Dr. Irina Gorodetskaya of K.U. Leuven. “There is a lack of data on the clouds and precipitation processes in the Antarctic, which are important for the ice sheet surface mass balance. With this project, we want to establish a database that can be used for an in-depth model evaluation”.